Sponsorship Options

Present your company’s expertise in an exclusive environment of Chinese and Europeans leaders from politics, business and academia and get actively involved in the "Hamburg Summit"! Should you have any questions regarding your involvement as a sponsor, please kindly get in contact with us.

Contact Person

Anne Reinach, 
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Phone: +49 (0)40 361 38 - 975
Fax: +49 (0)40 361 38 - 494
mail: anne.reinach@hk24.de

8 reasons to become a sponsor

  1. The “Hamburg Summit” is the major conference on Sino-European business.
  2. Exchange ideas among high-ranking international officials and business representatives on a level playing field.
  3. Put your business in the spotlight and increase awareness and visibility of your brand.
  4. Interact with Chinese and Europeans leaders from politics, business and academia: Chinese Deputy Prime Minister, European Commissioners and German Ministers have participated in every “Hamburg Summit”, in 2006 and 2014 even the Chinese Prime Minister himself.
  5. New clients, new customers, new business. The exclusive circle of approximately 500 participants offers a variety of new business options.
  6. Boost your business in the European or Chinese market and receive first-hand information on the latest developments and trends in Sino-European economic relations.
  7. Shape the Sino-European business relations as speaker, by putting the most pressing issues on the agenda.
  8. Foster existing international or national contacts, by meeting them at or inviting them to the conference.
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Guests of honour 2018

Liu He, Vice-Premier of the People’s Republic of China

Guests of honour 2018

Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition of the European Commission

Guests of honour 2018

Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Federal Republic of Germany

Save the date

We are looking forward welcoming you to the "9th Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe", that will take place in Autumn 2021!

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You have further questions? Then please contact us:

Anne Reinach, Advisor
Timm Rohweder, Regional Expert Greater China
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

+ 49 / 40 / 36 138 287


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